Jo, please email me at to claim your prize. Just have a couple questions for you:)
If you decide to join anyways please click on the picture below and sign up there - they have monthly (if you want to try it out first) and yearly memberships. Trust me worth EVERY penny - even if you are not a pro and just want to take great pics or connect with other moms:)
Guys, so sorry for the late post! I have to apologize because all day I have been going crazy because my cable is out, but a little boy with a cold couldn't go out and a husband who worked late and no cable= no internet- ARgh!!! Couldn't get online. Actually joining you from a neighbors porch freezing my butt off and stealing their WIFI - hehe:) Don't worry I told them I was going to!
If you didn't win - please stay tuned. To kick off my blog, I am having my Grand Opening MONTH in December - thats right I said month. I have a bunch of giveaways I am sure you will love:)
I just wanted to thank everyone for tuning in. My brain is bursting with ideas for articles and tutorials, so please stay tuned. I would also really appreciate you telling anyone that you know that is a mom or a photographer or just wants to be one to come on over, too. If you have anything to contribute, any freebies, any articles, please feel free to forward. I love getting tips almost as much as I love giving tips. Also if you have any photos that you want me to play with that you feel just didn't get right let me know. I want to do a weekly "Picture Saver" Tutorial showing how we can take blah pictures and make them wow.
I'm going to be taking a short break, but will be back on Friday with some freebies and some sales that I found online - some photography related - some just random sales!
Hope each and everyone of you have an AWESOME Thanksgiving and enjoy every minute with your families. I know i will. This is my little mans first Thanksgiving!