One of my favorite things to use when doing maternity, wedding, and portraits is adding color to certain spots of the black and white photos. Back in the days of film, I actually handcolored (with special paints and pens) some of my fine art prints and loved the effect. Now in the digital days, it is sooooo much easier and if you mess up - just trash the layer you were working on, not the whole picture:)
Here is my Easy Peasy way to add color to a snapshot that is black and white. This will only work if the original file is in color…
First open your picture. Make a Duplicate Layer by Hitting Ctl + J
An easy way to turn pic your standard black and white, Go to LAYER – ADJUSTMENT LAYER – BLACK AND WHITE. Click OK – now you can adjust to your liking
In order to add the color I then merge down (do not flatten or you will lose your color layer) so that there are 2 layers. On the bottom should be color. On the top should be black and white.
Then Choose the eraser tool. If it is a large area, adjust the size, I used a small eraser to be more specific. You can also adjust the opacity to the amount of color to show through. I used 68% I like to make the color pop. Rub over the area that you want to be colored.
Oila! You can also use actions, or if you don’t have the black white adjustment layer, just run your action or turn to black and white your normal way. Flatten down to the top layer B&W and bottom layer Color and erase away!!
Here is my finished product (well minus some skin softening and sharpening)
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Tutorial Tuesday - a little different spin:) How to be a coupon Diva
Guys so sorry that I am messing up the order of our weeks. Since I have a little man who has decided to skip his last two days of his 2 1/2 hour nap, I haven't been able to finish the tutorial (my easy version) of how I do selective color. Below is an example...
So In the spirit of being a coupon diva, like I am, I have found this new website that I have to share with you. They have great "tactics" on getting sometimes free and seriously discounted items.
Here are my tips - so far, I am up to $923 in savings on my Giant Bonuscard for the year. Plus who knows how much in coupons. In the new year, since I will have a little more time on my hands, I would like to do each week a post on saving $ and time.
I started clipping coupons about 10 years ago. My husband and I were just married without anything and more going out than coming in. I always got a Sunday Paper for the grocery ads. I started clipping coupons and watching sales and stocking up on sale items. I actually found it quite addicting. I would see myself saving 20% , 40% and one time my all-time best 75% and I would feel great. All I did was take about a half hour to hour of my time on a Sunday morning to organize and then the shopping time and off Iwent. Now as a mom, I never buy a diaper or formula without one. If it isn't on sale or I have a coupon for it I usually don't buy it until I do unless it is a necessity:)
Here are my tips:
1. Get the bonus cards for all the stores you shop. They are a deal and usually free.
2. Get the Sunday Paper, pull out the drugstore and grocery ads and the COUPONS (usually P&G, Red Plum, etc)
3. Organize your coupons. I usually clip them all (never know when you can double them up and get something for free. Even if I don't really need it, if it is FREE I can either donate to a shelter or friend/family who would need it)
4. Look through the sale papers you pulled and match the already discounted sale items with the coupons.
For Example.... This week Nyquil and Dayquil are 2 for $10 at Walgreens (this is a true example) They are offering $5 coupon for next order if you buy two. I have 2 $1.50 off one (which means $3 off two) so essentially I am getting 2 bottles of Nyquil for $2. That is ridiculous and took me about a minute to figure out. Even if you aren't on a limited budget, just do it anyways. Keep track of what you saved and make a donation in that amount to your favorite charity.
5. Sign up with companies online - like Coke, General Mills, Kashi, Pampers, Similac.... they either have free trial offers or will send you coupons for products in the mail or sometimes the manufacturers, when they have a new product may send you a free trial offer. It doesn't hurt. You can try they tell you what companies are offering trial offers.
6. Go onto websites like . Beware though, some sites make you take a bunch of surveys and really don't offer you anything great. is pretty good.
7. If you are pregnant or a new mom (even if you think you will be breast feeding, just do it. I thought I could and ended up that I couldn't), sign up at all the formulas Similac , Nestle Good Start, and Enfamil They usually send you samples and coupons monthly for $ off the formulas. Similac was very kind for me.
Also, is your friend. It will tell you how to get the most out of coupons at certain stores - including Walmart, Target, CVS, Walgreens, etc. She also refers to other sites that helps her out, so you can bookmark them as well. Every week they go through the circulars at these stores at match up to their coupon stash and tell you where to get the freebies at. It is definately addicting:) Sign up for her daily email you won't be sorry....
TIP: Since all of these will probably be sending you emails, you may want to open a seperate email just for your coupon habit:) There are free ones at or . That way your family or work, or business email is not bogged down with a million emails. Then you can tackle coupons when you want. My time is on Sundays. My busy husband is usually not working that day and he likes to spend quality time with our son, so it is a perfect time for me to plan my trip... Sometimes I will go shopping right away or just save for my newly instated "mommy day" where my newly retired father in law comes to watch my son, grandmother, and aunt(who now both live with us due to illness) so I can get my errands done, get work done around the house and also schedule dr appts.
So In the spirit of being a coupon diva, like I am, I have found this new website that I have to share with you. They have great "tactics" on getting sometimes free and seriously discounted items.
Here are my tips - so far, I am up to $923 in savings on my Giant Bonuscard for the year. Plus who knows how much in coupons. In the new year, since I will have a little more time on my hands, I would like to do each week a post on saving $ and time.
I started clipping coupons about 10 years ago. My husband and I were just married without anything and more going out than coming in. I always got a Sunday Paper for the grocery ads. I started clipping coupons and watching sales and stocking up on sale items. I actually found it quite addicting. I would see myself saving 20% , 40% and one time my all-time best 75% and I would feel great. All I did was take about a half hour to hour of my time on a Sunday morning to organize and then the shopping time and off Iwent. Now as a mom, I never buy a diaper or formula without one. If it isn't on sale or I have a coupon for it I usually don't buy it until I do unless it is a necessity:)
Here are my tips:
1. Get the bonus cards for all the stores you shop. They are a deal and usually free.
2. Get the Sunday Paper, pull out the drugstore and grocery ads and the COUPONS (usually P&G, Red Plum, etc)
3. Organize your coupons. I usually clip them all (never know when you can double them up and get something for free. Even if I don't really need it, if it is FREE I can either donate to a shelter or friend/family who would need it)
4. Look through the sale papers you pulled and match the already discounted sale items with the coupons.
For Example.... This week Nyquil and Dayquil are 2 for $10 at Walgreens (this is a true example) They are offering $5 coupon for next order if you buy two. I have 2 $1.50 off one (which means $3 off two) so essentially I am getting 2 bottles of Nyquil for $2. That is ridiculous and took me about a minute to figure out. Even if you aren't on a limited budget, just do it anyways. Keep track of what you saved and make a donation in that amount to your favorite charity.
5. Sign up with companies online - like Coke, General Mills, Kashi, Pampers, Similac.... they either have free trial offers or will send you coupons for products in the mail or sometimes the manufacturers, when they have a new product may send you a free trial offer. It doesn't hurt. You can try they tell you what companies are offering trial offers.
6. Go onto websites like . Beware though, some sites make you take a bunch of surveys and really don't offer you anything great. is pretty good.
7. If you are pregnant or a new mom (even if you think you will be breast feeding, just do it. I thought I could and ended up that I couldn't), sign up at all the formulas Similac , Nestle Good Start, and Enfamil They usually send you samples and coupons monthly for $ off the formulas. Similac was very kind for me.
Also, is your friend. It will tell you how to get the most out of coupons at certain stores - including Walmart, Target, CVS, Walgreens, etc. She also refers to other sites that helps her out, so you can bookmark them as well. Every week they go through the circulars at these stores at match up to their coupon stash and tell you where to get the freebies at. It is definately addicting:) Sign up for her daily email you won't be sorry....
TIP: Since all of these will probably be sending you emails, you may want to open a seperate email just for your coupon habit:) There are free ones at or . That way your family or work, or business email is not bogged down with a million emails. Then you can tackle coupons when you want. My time is on Sundays. My busy husband is usually not working that day and he likes to spend quality time with our son, so it is a perfect time for me to plan my trip... Sometimes I will go shopping right away or just save for my newly instated "mommy day" where my newly retired father in law comes to watch my son, grandmother, and aunt(who now both live with us due to illness) so I can get my errands done, get work done around the house and also schedule dr appts.
It's here Jens Photo Mojo Grand Opening Contest Weeks!!!
Ok, so the wait is over. The first giveaway is here. We are giving away....
a Monopod!!! These come in handy because they allow you to take a steady picture without the big bulky tripod. This is a Pictures Plus Compact monopod by Sunpak. It includes a neckstrap and belt clip... It extends up to 60" but is a little over 12" folded. AWESOME for the photographer on the go or someone who needs a steady hand.
To enter yourself in the contest. Make sure that you subscribe to the blog on the right, take a moment to look over the site a little and then place a comment that you subscribed on this thread. That counts as one entry, then friend me on facebook and post a comment that you did so and that counts as the second entry - Then tell all your friends have them sign up as well. For each friend that you refer that SIGNS up, post a comment with their name (first) and each of those counts as an entry two.
If you are already on my original 10 facebook friends and subscribers from the last post, you can just enter two comments (one letting me know you are a subscriber, one to let me know you are already a fan.) and you can get one for each person you refer that subscribes and joins facebook:)
Contest ends on December 8th at 12 p.m. EST.
Good luck.... keep posted we have ooodles of prizes to give away over the next couple days and weeks!
a Monopod!!! These come in handy because they allow you to take a steady picture without the big bulky tripod. This is a Pictures Plus Compact monopod by Sunpak. It includes a neckstrap and belt clip... It extends up to 60" but is a little over 12" folded. AWESOME for the photographer on the go or someone who needs a steady hand.
To enter yourself in the contest. Make sure that you subscribe to the blog on the right, take a moment to look over the site a little and then place a comment that you subscribed on this thread. That counts as one entry, then friend me on facebook and post a comment that you did so and that counts as the second entry - Then tell all your friends have them sign up as well. For each friend that you refer that SIGNS up, post a comment with their name (first) and each of those counts as an entry two.
If you are already on my original 10 facebook friends and subscribers from the last post, you can just enter two comments (one letting me know you are a subscriber, one to let me know you are already a fan.) and you can get one for each person you refer that subscribes and joins facebook:)
Contest ends on December 8th at 12 p.m. EST.
Good luck.... keep posted we have ooodles of prizes to give away over the next couple days and weeks!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Marketing Monday - Hometown Heroes the Untapped Market
Police, Fire (volunteer or paid), EMT - these are all the people in uniform who are a new segment to work with. There are a couple of ways to market to them....
** Remember as always tweak this to work for you. Figure your price margin. It may not be the same as mine. Make sure it works for you, too before you jump in.
1. DISCOUNT SESSIONS - at your studio/alternate location
You can offer them to do a headshot of them in uniform and dress uniform discounted. Usually this is just a few poses and often will only take a few minutes. My current discounted rate for them is $29 and they get a free 5x7. Make sure you capture information and add to your newsletter. Many of these professionals have families and they will remember you when it comes time for family pics! Make sure that you treat as any customer. Send thank you note with cards and referral cards. P.S. these all will work easier if you offer online proofing and ordering. Come up with a couple packages that seem to work. This would resemble how your kids school pics work. A la Carte and a few packages. Keep it simple.
How to market - Simple letter or promo card to station about the offer- you may want to call ahead or check the town/city website for chief or head name. The mailer should let them know that there is a discount price. In some towns they have conventions. If it is a small convention (like we have in our town) the booth may only be between 20-50 (in our town it is $25 for the firefighters trade show). Small price to pay to reach out to thousands of people. If you know any men (or women in uniform) it wouldn't hurt to do a couple shots for display and promo cards.
2. Offer Picture Day at the Station
This would be offered on a specific date and time. You may have to be flexible as fire calls and police calls happen unexpectedly - trust me I know as a wife of a volunteer firefighter. Just ask me about the time I was abandoned at Target:) I would also have a day that would be for make ups only. I personally would have a signup. Keep the signups about 10 min apart. Take 2 poses. 1 head shot and one length. Either in dress uniform or their duty uniforms (if chief wants both to be offered, I would make the appts 15 min apart). Only one background, light set up and limited poses will make these consistant like school pictures. If there is more than a certain # signed up, I usually just charge for prints and a "handling charge" of $5 (you can charge what you like). I personally would do the prepaid packages and ala carte just like school pictures. I would not do online proofing as it is time consuming and you are not charging a session fee. I also do not retouch photos unless there was an error with white balance or color on my part. I order packages from my printer and deliver to the chief or my contact. They are responsible for getting to the people. In every pack, I include a discount card for a "full Hometown Heroes session" This will let them bring family, do multiple dress changes, will offer creative options - black and white, and retouching. I would give them $50 off my session fee. Also include referral program and your card. Make sure the ordering form includes a release and a spot where you can capture email.
How to market - Simple letter or promo card to station about the offer- you may want to call ahead or check the town/city website for chief or head name. The mailer should let them know that there is a discount price. In some towns they have conventions. If it is a small convention (like we have in our town) the booth may only be between 20-50 (in our town it is $25 for the firefighters trade show). Small price to pay to reach out to thousands of people. If you know any men (or women in uniform) it wouldn't hurt to do a couple shots for display and promo cards. *** You may want to offer the chief/head low res cd of all the headshots (for badges/ID's) either for a low price or for free depending on participation. As a goodwill gesture, I do offer to take a group shot with the trucks or vehicles. I will give the station one as a donation, however, this is a add-on sale for the guys as well - they can order one for XX amount. I charge $15 for a group shot 5x7.
3. Offer to take pictures for a community event
Donate your time to go to the event and take pictures. I would set up a stand where the kids can take a pic with the fireman/firetruck, etc. Have parents sign a release get an email. Online proof them as a batch in one cart - use same password for all to make it easy. Send them email when ready. You can either donate net to station or send a fixed $ amount. That is up to you. Add them all to your newsletter list. Have a pick up day at the station. If they are not able to come, they pay shipping to their home. Simple, easy. And who doesn't want a picture of their kid with a firetruck? Great way to build your client list! In each pack - offer a % or $ off session coupon, a referral program promo card and a business card!
How to market - Simple letter to station about donating your time- you may want to call ahead or check the town/city website for chief or head name who to address to. You can also make a personal phone call or visit.
Numbers crunch - lets say there are 40 guys at a volunteer station and 3/4 participate. My cheapest package is $20 so if 30 guys participate at the minimum there is $600. for 30 guys - may take you 4-5 hours, less if you are more efficient and have helpers or you schedule 5 minutes apart - you can do in under 3 (or if you have second light set up and background and person- you can do in an hour or two. Plus you know have more potential customers!
I am working on a Freebie Friday with some of the promotional material that I talked about here. I am also working on the full package as well. Getting together all my material and writing a manual as well. Stay tuned!!!
** Remember as always tweak this to work for you. Figure your price margin. It may not be the same as mine. Make sure it works for you, too before you jump in.
1. DISCOUNT SESSIONS - at your studio/alternate location
You can offer them to do a headshot of them in uniform and dress uniform discounted. Usually this is just a few poses and often will only take a few minutes. My current discounted rate for them is $29 and they get a free 5x7. Make sure you capture information and add to your newsletter. Many of these professionals have families and they will remember you when it comes time for family pics! Make sure that you treat as any customer. Send thank you note with cards and referral cards. P.S. these all will work easier if you offer online proofing and ordering. Come up with a couple packages that seem to work. This would resemble how your kids school pics work. A la Carte and a few packages. Keep it simple.
How to market - Simple letter or promo card to station about the offer- you may want to call ahead or check the town/city website for chief or head name. The mailer should let them know that there is a discount price. In some towns they have conventions. If it is a small convention (like we have in our town) the booth may only be between 20-50 (in our town it is $25 for the firefighters trade show). Small price to pay to reach out to thousands of people. If you know any men (or women in uniform) it wouldn't hurt to do a couple shots for display and promo cards.
2. Offer Picture Day at the Station
This would be offered on a specific date and time. You may have to be flexible as fire calls and police calls happen unexpectedly - trust me I know as a wife of a volunteer firefighter. Just ask me about the time I was abandoned at Target:) I would also have a day that would be for make ups only. I personally would have a signup. Keep the signups about 10 min apart. Take 2 poses. 1 head shot and one length. Either in dress uniform or their duty uniforms (if chief wants both to be offered, I would make the appts 15 min apart). Only one background, light set up and limited poses will make these consistant like school pictures. If there is more than a certain # signed up, I usually just charge for prints and a "handling charge" of $5 (you can charge what you like). I personally would do the prepaid packages and ala carte just like school pictures. I would not do online proofing as it is time consuming and you are not charging a session fee. I also do not retouch photos unless there was an error with white balance or color on my part. I order packages from my printer and deliver to the chief or my contact. They are responsible for getting to the people. In every pack, I include a discount card for a "full Hometown Heroes session" This will let them bring family, do multiple dress changes, will offer creative options - black and white, and retouching. I would give them $50 off my session fee. Also include referral program and your card. Make sure the ordering form includes a release and a spot where you can capture email.
How to market - Simple letter or promo card to station about the offer- you may want to call ahead or check the town/city website for chief or head name. The mailer should let them know that there is a discount price. In some towns they have conventions. If it is a small convention (like we have in our town) the booth may only be between 20-50 (in our town it is $25 for the firefighters trade show). Small price to pay to reach out to thousands of people. If you know any men (or women in uniform) it wouldn't hurt to do a couple shots for display and promo cards. *** You may want to offer the chief/head low res cd of all the headshots (for badges/ID's) either for a low price or for free depending on participation. As a goodwill gesture, I do offer to take a group shot with the trucks or vehicles. I will give the station one as a donation, however, this is a add-on sale for the guys as well - they can order one for XX amount. I charge $15 for a group shot 5x7.
3. Offer to take pictures for a community event
Donate your time to go to the event and take pictures. I would set up a stand where the kids can take a pic with the fireman/firetruck, etc. Have parents sign a release get an email. Online proof them as a batch in one cart - use same password for all to make it easy. Send them email when ready. You can either donate net to station or send a fixed $ amount. That is up to you. Add them all to your newsletter list. Have a pick up day at the station. If they are not able to come, they pay shipping to their home. Simple, easy. And who doesn't want a picture of their kid with a firetruck? Great way to build your client list! In each pack - offer a % or $ off session coupon, a referral program promo card and a business card!
How to market - Simple letter to station about donating your time- you may want to call ahead or check the town/city website for chief or head name who to address to. You can also make a personal phone call or visit.
Numbers crunch - lets say there are 40 guys at a volunteer station and 3/4 participate. My cheapest package is $20 so if 30 guys participate at the minimum there is $600. for 30 guys - may take you 4-5 hours, less if you are more efficient and have helpers or you schedule 5 minutes apart - you can do in under 3 (or if you have second light set up and background and person- you can do in an hour or two. Plus you know have more potential customers!
I am working on a Freebie Friday with some of the promotional material that I talked about here. I am also working on the full package as well. Getting together all my material and writing a manual as well. Stay tuned!!!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Holiday Time is apon us
well i hope everyone had a great holiday. i sure did being with family is the best thing ever.
wanted to congratulate Jo Overton on winning the years clickin moms subscription. What a rockin prize. Since i love to meet new people and learn a little about them, i did a little Q&A with jo...
Q: How long have you been interested in photography?
I have been slowly upgrading my digital point and shoots as the years have gone by, and I decided I wanted a GOOD point and shoot. I did some research and came up with the Canon Powershot. I was surprised at the quality of the pictures, this was my first inkling that a good camera makes a difference with taking photos. This picture was a turning point for me.
This is the first time that I ever took a picture where it just took my breath away. And I loved it! I had not been able to justify buying a better camera, because I didn't think I had the "eye" or talent for photography. This picture convinced me that with a really good camera, i.e. a dslr, I could increase my level of ability with photography. I had the "eye" now I needed the skill set. I had some money come my way a year later and I ear marked a chunk of it for a Nikon D60, then a year later, I upgraded to a D90.
Q: Are you currently a pro or just loving taking pics?
A heavily invested amateur. I have just started taking pictures of people other than my own camera fodder. (My granddaughters!) I would love to get into it as a business, part time. I do not have the time to do it full time, but it is something I really enjoy!
Q: Tell us a little about yourself (if you have a blog or website and want to include it please do:), your interests, hobbies, etc?
Wife of 29 years, mother to six, grandmother to five and and half. I have a degree in Social Work, but I am raising our youngest son who is quite disabled. He keeps me really busy. I love photography and needle felting. I am Native American, from a Lakota tribe in South Dakota. Because my family of origin lives on the reservation, I have a unique chance to photograph there and I do have a dream of someday having a photobook published with my vision and work from that perspective.
Q: What was your first thought when you found out that you won?
Whoo hooo! I have been drooling and debating with myself over getting a subscription. Now I can not worry about it for a whole year!
Q: What would you like to see here on Jen's Photomojo in the future?
More giveaways! Tutorials, free templates, actions, tips for posing people, lighting! ways to find my "voice" in photography, interviews with photographers. (Is that enough?)
we are going to follow up in a month or so to see how much she loves clickin moms - probably as much as i do! if you want to join jo and me on the forum please click on the banner below. There are many memeberships available for different cost. Worth every penny:)

so tuesday starts our grand opening month. going to be some great prizes for photographers and us who love to take pictures as well. so stay tuned:)
again i would like to perso nally thank everyone is tuning in. We have just begun so bear with me and i promise you wont be disappointed!!
wanted to congratulate Jo Overton on winning the years clickin moms subscription. What a rockin prize. Since i love to meet new people and learn a little about them, i did a little Q&A with jo...
Q: How long have you been interested in photography?
I have been slowly upgrading my digital point and shoots as the years have gone by, and I decided I wanted a GOOD point and shoot. I did some research and came up with the Canon Powershot. I was surprised at the quality of the pictures, this was my first inkling that a good camera makes a difference with taking photos. This picture was a turning point for me.
This is the first time that I ever took a picture where it just took my breath away. And I loved it! I had not been able to justify buying a better camera, because I didn't think I had the "eye" or talent for photography. This picture convinced me that with a really good camera, i.e. a dslr, I could increase my level of ability with photography. I had the "eye" now I needed the skill set. I had some money come my way a year later and I ear marked a chunk of it for a Nikon D60, then a year later, I upgraded to a D90.
Q: Are you currently a pro or just loving taking pics?
A heavily invested amateur. I have just started taking pictures of people other than my own camera fodder. (My granddaughters!) I would love to get into it as a business, part time. I do not have the time to do it full time, but it is something I really enjoy!
Q: Tell us a little about yourself (if you have a blog or website and want to include it please do:), your interests, hobbies, etc?
Wife of 29 years, mother to six, grandmother to five and and half. I have a degree in Social Work, but I am raising our youngest son who is quite disabled. He keeps me really busy. I love photography and needle felting. I am Native American, from a Lakota tribe in South Dakota. Because my family of origin lives on the reservation, I have a unique chance to photograph there and I do have a dream of someday having a photobook published with my vision and work from that perspective.
Q: What was your first thought when you found out that you won?
Whoo hooo! I have been drooling and debating with myself over getting a subscription. Now I can not worry about it for a whole year!
Q: What would you like to see here on Jen's Photomojo in the future?
More giveaways! Tutorials, free templates, actions, tips for posing people, lighting! ways to find my "voice" in photography, interviews with photographers. (Is that enough?)
we are going to follow up in a month or so to see how much she loves clickin moms - probably as much as i do! if you want to join jo and me on the forum please click on the banner below. There are many memeberships available for different cost. Worth every penny:)
so tuesday starts our grand opening month. going to be some great prizes for photographers and us who love to take pictures as well. so stay tuned:)
again i would like to perso nally thank everyone is tuning in. We have just begun so bear with me and i promise you wont be disappointed!!
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