Tuesday, November 24, 2009



 Jo, please email me at jensphotomojo@yahoo.com to claim your prize. Just have a couple questions for you:)

If you decide to join anyways please click on the picture below and sign up there - they have monthly (if you want to try it out first) and yearly memberships. Trust me worth EVERY penny - even if you are not a pro and just want to take great pics or connect with other moms:)

clickin' Moms

Guys, so sorry for the late post! I have to apologize because all day I have been going crazy because my cable is out, but a little boy with a cold couldn't go out and a husband who worked late and no cable= no internet- ARgh!!! Couldn't get online. Actually joining you from a neighbors porch freezing my butt off and stealing their WIFI - hehe:) Don't worry I told them I was going to!

If you didn't win - please stay tuned. To kick off my blog, I am having my Grand Opening MONTH in December - thats right I said month. I have a bunch of giveaways I am sure you will love:)

I just wanted to thank everyone for tuning in. My brain is bursting with ideas for articles and tutorials, so please stay tuned. I would also really appreciate you telling anyone that you know that is a mom or a photographer or just wants to be one to come on over, too. If you have anything to contribute, any freebies, any articles, please feel free to forward. I love getting tips almost as much as I love giving tips. Also if you have any photos that you want me to play with  that you feel just didn't get right let me know. I want to do a weekly "Picture Saver" Tutorial showing how we can take blah pictures and make them wow.

I'm going to be taking a short break, but will be back on Friday with some freebies and some sales that I found online - some photography related - some just random sales!

Hope each and everyone of you have an AWESOME Thanksgiving and enjoy every minute with your families. I know i will. This is my little mans first Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Marketing Monday - Word of Mouth Referrals

If you don't have a lot of money in your advertising budget, as I did, I relied on word of mouth to get started. I told everyone... I mean everyone I know that I was starting my photography business. I also told them that anyone that they referred to me as long as that person told me who referred them, I would give them a $50 print credit for a future session. (P.s. they can combine that with other offers like when I started my GRAND OPENING BUZZ and I did 50% off session fees for one month) The $50 print credit would get you 2 5x7's and those cost me almost nothing, however, to a potential client that is a lot of money.

I also let every customer know that I have a referral program. I tell them at booking and ask if they have any friends, families or coworkers that need photographic services- because some people make appts a couple weeks in advance. If there referral sneaks in before them, they get $ off their session. Also, at the end of the session, I explain it again when we are giving instruction, when to view sneak peeks, online ordering, etc. Then I put a few referral cards in their order package and some business cards.  Since they are now on my mailing list (capture an email with every booking) I mention in EVERY newsletter about the referral program. A lot of successful photographers run completely off of their website and word of mouth. Imagine how much they don't spend on Advertising. Major newspaper and magazine advertising is EXPENSIVE! Plus who is better at advertising than a satisfied customer?
