Friday, March 5, 2010

Taking a break - good or bad?

So I hate to admit, I haven't even touched my camera in the last three weeks. After the Valentines Day shoots, I put it down, craziness ensued and here I am. I have 8 requests for Easter photographs plus my own kid and I haven't even thought about Easter yet! OMG. I need to get my butt in gear!

So I guess I am wondering - what do you do when you get burnt out with photography? How do you get your interest back? What do you do to motivate yourself?

Right now I am going to come up with an Easter Mini Session plan... that is #1 priority.

Now to hit hobby lobby for some props.

So far I have a large basket for Newborns, small Children.... Couple backdrops..... I would love to go hard core and rent some chicks from the local farm (yes they rent live chicks) but that spells disaster. Plus I'm afraid the toddlers and younger ones may hurt them.

I'd love to hear some of your motivators or what you do when you burn out to get back in the game!

Back in Action

2010 has proven to be more hectic than 2009 for sure already. Sorry to have left you all hanging. As soon as I put out one fire another one erupts. Oh well....

I have been catching up with a couple of my personal favorite sites   - Coffeeshop Photography, The Pioneer Woman and Texas Chicks

If you haven't checked them out lately - There are a TON of new actions and storyboards on Coffeeshop AND I noticed that Rita is doing custom blogs and Logo Designs. There are a lot of great tips and even a section on how to tweak your blogger blog!

They have a really neat story board now

The Pioneer Woman is another one of my favorites, too. She has a new action from TRA made for her:) You can check it out under the photography tab. Also check out her recipes. I have this one added to my google reader. I love her! I also get a lot of great recipes from her site as well:)

Get your actions loaded:)

Lighting Tutorials

Found some of these for you to check out:)

Portrait Lighting Techniques

More on Lighting
